DDNS.org - PFSense configuration

This dynDNS configuration applies to:
Type Router/Firewall
Brand PFSense
Version All Versions
Official Documentation Latest documentation
Configuration to use Custom dynDNS Provider

DDNS.ORG PFSense configuration

{primary} To configure a PFSense with DDNS.org service you should use the 'CUSTOM' option in Service type field and enter our specific Update URL. Also a specific Result Match is needed.

  • Step 1

    Access the Firewall administration interface, usually on and navigate to the DynDNS configuration page.

  • Step 2

    Compile the form with the following data:

Field Value
Service Type CUSTOM
Interface to monitor WAN
Interface to send update from WAN
Username enter your DDNS.org update username, which could be found in your control panel
Password enter your DDNS.org update password, which could be found in your control panel
Update URL *see notes for Update URL
Result Match leave it empty for no result check

Notes on UPDATE URL:

  • use the following URL
  • Substitute YOURHOSTNAME with your hostname
  • Leave %IP% in the URL as is, PFSense will insert the current WAN IP
  • Enter all the Update URL on one line

Remember to substitute YOURHOSTNAME with the exact full hostname, for example myexamplehost.fixip.org


If have doubts or problems configuring PFSense router with DDNS.org you can check the Troubleshooting page or contact the support from your account using the Support Request form.